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Safety note on tightening ground joints
- When manipulating glass apparatus, always hold it as close to the site of operation as possible to reduce leverage. This reduces the risk of glass breakage and consequent injuries. Using a thick rag or strong cloves can also reduce injury if accidental breakage occurs.
- If you are concerned about leaks and the tightening of the joints, a very small amount of petroleum jelly can be applied to the ground surfaces of the joints to assist the fitting of joints without requiring any force.
This should not be necessary however and it causes the loss of friction with possible slippage of joints.
To prevent slippage of joints extra clips will be required.
- Supporting all parts with clamps is not recommended as it causes poor alignment of joints with in itself can be the cause of leaks.
Rather secure the lowest part or the main part of the apparatus with a clamp and unsuported lower parts with clips.