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Common errors during the determination of alcohol by distillation
Volume measurements
Temperature Measurements
Hydrometer Measurements
are the most critical part of this technique.
Make sure you read the method for using a volumetric flask correctly.
If you do not have a hot/cold water bath to bring the temperature of the wine and the collected distillate up/down to 20oC for an accurate measurement of 250ml, at least make sure that -
- the volume of the wine and diluted distillate is measured accurately by -
- using the same volumetric flask
- and measuring both at the same temperature.
- Leaks anywhere in the apparatus, can allow alcohol to escape and be lost through these leaks, giving a false low reading.
- Make sure all joints are secure (see safety note).
- Make sure that the end of the adaptor receiver protrudes well below the water or distillate in the volumetric receiving flask (see diagram).
This can best be achieved by attaching a small piece of plastic tubing to the end of the adapter reciever to obtain the appropriate length and to prevent breakage of the bottom of the receiving volumetric flask.
- Loss of alcohol can also occur through evaporation of the warm distillate from the volumetric receiving flask, however, this can be prevented by seating the flask in a cold water bath, packed with ice.
ALso make sure that an adequate water flow is running through the condenser jacket
Also see leaks.
- Measure and record the temperature
of your distillate solution as soon as possible after taking a reading of the apparent alcohol concentration with your alcohol hydrometer.
Then apply the appropriate correction from the alcohol-temperature correction table to calculate and record the true alcohol concentration.
- Hydrometer measurement errors should also be checked