Wine Analysis Home
Common errors and hints -
- Types of errors
- Examples
- Types of errors
- Errors in accuracy produce values that are unacceptably divergent to the true or correct value.
Not to be confused with precision
- Errors of precision will result in inconsistent values.
Precision produces consistent results but not necessarily accurate results
Errors in precision are usually systemic errors.
- Systemic errors are due to defective equipment operation such as
defective weighing equipment
- Operator errors are caused by the operator (i.e. human error).
Examples producing errors
- securing an unrepresentative sample due to -
- poor dispersion and integration of additions especially
- in musts with skins
- in large tanks
- with additions of undissolved powdered forms
- contamination of sample by -
- inaccurate preparation of standard solutions -
- inaccurate dilutions
- inaccurate volume/weight measurements
- inaccurate standardisations
- inaccurate measures of volume, weight etc.
- contaminations
- Faulty equipment usage -
- loss of SO2 being aspirated through loose fitting joints
- incorrect aspiration/flow rate (see flow rate )
- decrease/increase in 15 min. aspiration time
- General -
- incorrect use or reading of volumetric glassware.
- incorrect labeling
- contamination of solutions, glassware and/or equipment
- deterioration of solutions and/or solution strengths
- Errors in mathematical calculations
Contamination of solutions
- Contamination of stock solutions should be avoided by pouring an estimated working volume of stock solution into a separate container (e.g 100 ml beaker).
Discard working solutions after use.
- Cross contamination of solutions can be avoided by working systematically.