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Length - m, dm, cm, mm, micrometre
- Length refers to the shortest distance between to points.
- m is the abbreviation for metre (m is an SI unit for length) (more)
- d placed before other abbreviations is an abbreviation for deci-, which means one tenth (1/10).
Therefore 1 decimetre (dm) is 1/10 of a m or 10 cm = 1 dm
- c placed before other abbreviations is an abbreviation for centi-, which means one hundredth (1/100).
Therefore 1 centimetre (cm) is 1/100 of a m or 100 cm = 1 m
- m placed before other abbreviations is an abbreviation for milli-, which means one thousandth (1/1000).
Therefore 1000 millimeters (mm) = 1 m
or 100 mm = 1 cm
- µ is an abbreviation for micro and means on millionth (1/1,000,000)
Therefore 1,000,000 micrometres (µm) = 1 m (metre)
Or 10,000 micrometres (µm) = 1 cm (centimetre)
Or 1,000 micrometres (µm) = 1 mm (millimeter)
The term micron is used interchangeably with the term micrometre, however, it is now designated an obsolete term.
A micrometer is an instrument capable of measuring micrometers