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Acid Types
Acids in the Grape Berry/Grape Juice
- The two main types of acids naturally occurring in grape berries and hence grape juice are -
- Tartaric Acid
The concentration of tartaric acid is determined by grape variety.
- Malic Acid.
The concentration of malic acid is determined by grape variety and climatic influences.
- The lesser, naturally occurring acid occurring in grape juice is Citric Acid
Acids in Wine/Must
- In wine, the main acids types are those found in grape juice, however Malic Acid may be fully or partially converted to Lactic Acid during Malo-Lactic Fermentation (MLF)
- The lesser acids in wine are -
- acetic acid and
- succinic acid
Both acetic and succinic acids are produced during the fermentation of grape juice.
Acids from additions
- Tartaric Acid is the main acid added to increase the acidity or lower the pH of grape juice or wine.
- Citric Acid is often added for acidification as it is claimed to taste fruitier.
Note: Citric acid should not be added until after MLF (Malo-Lactic Fermentation) is completed and stabilised by sulphur dioxide (SO2) additions or MLF can be guaranteed not to occur.