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Alcohol Determination by Ebulliometry Proceedure -
Common Errors
1. - Rinse the boiling chamber (see diagram) of the ebulliometer with some of the wine to be tested and drain through the outlet tap.
2. - Fill the boiling chamber with approximately 50 ml of the wine, either using a pipette or the provided measuring cylinder.
3. - Fill the condenser jacket with cold water.
4. - Insert and seal the special thermometer into the boiling chamber via the rubber stopper.
5. - Apply heat as shown in the diagram.
6. - The temperature will naturally rise as indicated by the thermometer.
When the temperature first remains steady for at least 30 seconds record the temperature as T1.
7. - Repeat the above procedure (steps 1 - 6) using approximately 20ml of distilled water instead of the 50ml of wine.
Record this temperature as T2.
It is not necessary to have water in the condenser when measuring the boiling point of pure water (T2).
8. - Calculate the ebulliometer degree
Ebulliometer degree = T2-T1 (oC.)
9. - Read the alcohol concentration (%v/v) from the ebulliometer degree table and record.
Adjustments may be required if the wine's sugar concentration is > 0.5 oBaume (oBe/) see common errors.
Common Errors