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- The curves or graphs show the different forms of FSO2 as an approximate percentage of total FSO2 at different wine/juice pH values.
- Note that within the wine's/juice's pH region of 2.9 - 4.0, the predominant FSO2 form is the bisulphite ion (HSO3-) and for this reason HSO3- represents the total FSO2 concentration in juice and wine.
- The sulphite ion (SO3=) however, is so small, that for all practical purposes can be ignored.
- The molecular sulphur dioxide (MSO2) concentration, although small at wine pH values, is very significant and becomes increasingly significant with only a small decrease in pH values (see table or formula).
- Note that at a pH of 1 all FSO2 exists as the MSO2 form. The addition of phosphoric acid, during SO2 determination, lowers the pH to 1, shifting the equilibrium of all the FSO2 to the molecular form of SO2.