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Volatile Acid Measurement - Trouble Shooting and Hints
As with all analysis it pays to think ahead -
What is the volatile acidity concentration levels expected?
- If the expected value is greater by a factor of 10 -
- Check that the 0.01M NaOH, not 0.1M NaOH solution was used for the titration.
- If the molarity of your NaOH solution was 0.0095 (approximately 0.1), make sure you did not use 0.09 (aprox. 0.1) in your calculations.
- If the VA value is higher then expected check that the following steps were performed and performed correctly -
- Was your sample degassed of CO2?
- Was the distilled water in the conical receiving flask neutralized?
- Did you remember to add the freshly prepared 0.3% H2O2 solution to your sample?
- Did you run a blanc?
- Was your NaOH solution standardized or accurately diluted?
- Detecting the end point during the titration procedure can be difficult without some experience.
Using a pH meter to determine the end point at a pH of 8.3 is more exacting and easier to perform (see acid titration procedure).