Parts and Solutions
Adaptor for Condenser
Adaptor, Swan neck
Adaptor for Bubbler
Adaptor for Bubbler (modified)
Adaptor, take off, Pear shaped Flask
Air bleed Tube for Swan neck Adaptor
Air bleed Tube, for Flat Bottom
Air Pump
Boss Head
Bubbler for Pear Shaped Flask
Burette Automatic
Clamp for Ball joint
Eye Dropper
| |
Flask, Conical, 100 ml
Flask, Conical for Kipps Measure
Flask, Flat Bottom, 100ml, 2 necked
Flask, Pear shaped with Flat Base
Flask, Pear shaped
Flask, Spherical, 100ml
Flask Volumetric
Flow Meter
Kipps Measure
Measuring Cylinder
Pipette Filler
Retort Stand
Retort Clamp
Tubing, Latex
Soda Lime tube
| |
Solution, Sodium Hydroxide
Solution, Hydrochloric Acid.
Solution, OrthoPhosphoric Acid
Solution, Hydrogen Peroxide
Solution, Mixed Indicator
Solution, Phenolphthalein Indicator
- Schematic Layout of the Sulphur Dioxide Apparatus - Fig 4
- Standard Glassware Kit - Fig 5
Kit Code - GSO2 - Glassware Standard, sulphur dioxide - $499.00
- Modified Glassware Kit - Fig 6
Kit Code - GMSO2 - Glassware Modifified, sulphur dioxide - $476.00
- Additional Kits
Kit Codes -
- HSO2 - Hardware, sulphur dioxide - $235
- SPSO2 - Solution Pack, sulphur dioxide - $90.00
- KCSO2 - Kit Standard Complete (GSO2,HSO2, SPSO2), sulphur dioxide (save
$30) - $955.00
- KCMSO2 - Kit Complete Modified Version(GMSO2,HSO2, SPSO2), sulphur dioxide (save
$30)- $932.00
- AASO2 - Additional Apparatus, sulphur dioxide - total -
Kit Code ( Fig 5) - GSO2- Glassware, Sulphur dioxide -
Part Codes -
- FS100/S24 - Flask, Spherical, 100ml, Socket 24/29 - $22.00
- AS/S24/C24/GL14 - Adaptor, Swan neck, Socket & Cone 24/29,
screw thread and cap GL14 - $48.00
- TGI- Tube, Air bleed, 325mm length - $12.00
- CLP/S24/SS - Clip, Stainless Steel, 24/29 $14.00
- CLP/S24/PL - Clip, PLastic, 24/29 $11.00
- CIR/S24 - Condenser, Internal Revenue, Socket & cone 24/29 - $202.00
- AB/C24 - Adaptor, Bent (45°), Cone 24/29 - $28.00
- TL/500 - Tubing, Latex, 500mm length - $8.00
- AB/MS13 - Adaptor, Bent, Male Spherical ball joint S13 - $37.00
- CLAMP/13 - ball joint Clamp, Size 13 - $25.00
- ABU/C14/FS13 - Adaptor, BUbbler, Cone 14/23, Female Spherical ball joint S13 - $38.00
- FP50/2S14 - Flask, Pear shaped, 50ml, 2 necked, Sockets 14/23 - $44.00
- AB/S14 - Adaptor, Bent, Socket 14/23 - $22.00
- TL/300 - Tubing, Latex, 300 mm length - $5
Modified Kit Code- Fig 6 GMSO2
- Glassware, Modified, Sulphur dioxide - $476.00
Part Codes
- TA/C14 - Tube, Air bleed, Cone 14/23, 10mm hose connection - $22.00
- FFB100/24/1A14 - Flask, Flat Bottom, 100ml, centre Socket 24/29, side Socket 14/23 - $42.00
- CLP/S24/SS - Clip, 24/29 size, Stainless Steel - $14.00
- CLP/S24/PL - Clip, 24/29 size, PLastic - $11.00
- CIR/S24 - Condenser, Internal Revenue, Socket & cone 24/29 - $202.00
- AB/45/C24 - Adaptor, Bent (45°), Cone 24/29 - $22.00
- TL/500- Tubing, Latex, 500mm length - $8.00
- AB/MS13/O- Adaptor, Bent (135°), Male Spherical 'O' ring ball joint S13 - $37.00
- CLAMP/13 - ball joint Clamp, Size 13 - $20.00
- ABU/C14/FS13/O- Adaptor, BUbbler, Cone 14/23, Female Spherical 'O' ring ball joint S13 - $38.00
- FP50/2S14/F - Flask, Pear shaped, 50ml, 2 necked, Sockets 14/23, w/Flat base and 10ml graduation mark - $44.00
- AB/S14- Adaptor, Bent, Socket 14/23 - $22.00
- TL/300- Tubing, Latex, 300 mm length - $5.00
GSO2 - Glassware, sulphur dioxide - components ( Fig 5)
Round bottom flask -
(Part Code. - FS100/S24 - Flask, Spherical, 100ml, Socket 24/29 - $22.00)
Holds the wine or juice sample to be analysed for SO2
Swan neck adaptor -
(Part Code. - ASW/S24/ST13 - Adaptor, SWan neck, Socket & cone 24/29, Screw Thread and cap 13 - $48.00).
Adaptor to allow the introduction of the adjustable air bleed tube to the FS100/S24.
Air bleed tube -
(Part Code. - TGI - Tube, Air bleed, 200mm length - $12.00)
Aspirates by drawing or blowing air through the juice or wine sample to liberate the SO2 into the air space above the sample and carries it to the pear shape flask. The tube height can be adjusted by loosening the screw cap.
Clips -
(Part Code. CLP/S24/SS - Clip, Stainless Steel, 24/29 size - $14.00)
(Part Code. CLP/S24/PL - Clip, Plastic, 24/29 size - $11.00)
Two (2) clips are required to hold the swan neck adaptor (ASW/S24/ST13) and the round bottom flask (FS100/S24) together
Stainless steel clips are longer lasting with a reduced risk of heat damage.
Condenser -
(Part Code - CIR/S24 - Condenser, Internal Revenue, Socket & cone 24/29 - $202.00)
The use of an Internal Revenue (IR) condenser as opposed to a Liebig condenser (CL/S24 - fig 7) is highly recommended. The efficiency of this condenser reduces the risk of acetic acid distilling across during the analysis of bound or total sulphur dioxide. (see FSO2 & BSO2 determination)
Adaptor from Condenser -
(Part Code - AB/C24 - Adaptor, Bent, Cone 24/29 - $28.00)
Links the condenser (CIR/S24), via the flexible latex tubing (TL/30), to the pear shaped flask adaptor (AB/MS13)
Tubing, Latex, 500mm
(Part Code - TL/500- Tubing, Latex, 500mm length - $8.00)
Latex tubing providing flexibility between the condenser arrangement and the pear shaped flask arrangement
Adaptor to Pear shaped flask bubbler -
(Part Code - AB/MS13- Adaptor, Bent, Male Spherical ball joint S13 - $37.00)
Links to the latex tubing (TL/30), to the pear shaped flask bubbler (ABU/S14/FS13)
Ball Joint Clamp -
(Part Code - CLAMP/13 - ball joint CLAMP, size 13 - $25.00)
Ball joint clamp to hold together ball joints on pear shaped flask bubbler adaptor (AB/MS13) and bubble adaptor (ABU/C14/FS13).
Adaptor, Bubbler -
(Part Code - ABU/C14/FS13- Adaptor, BUbbler, Cone 14/23, Female Spherical ball joint S13 - $38.00)
Links to the pear shaped flask adaptor (AB/MS13), to the pear shaped flask bubbler (AB/S14/MF13) and introduces and distributes the aspirated SO2 to the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) held in the pear shaped flask (FP50/2S14)
Flask, Pear shaped -
(Part Code - FP50/2S14- Flask, Pear shaped, 50ml, 2 necked, Sockets 14/23, - $44.00)
Holds the hydrogen peroxide and is where the SO2 is introduced via the bubbler (ABU/C14/FS13) and reacts with the hydrogen peroxide to produce sulphuric acid (H2SO4).
Adaptor, Pear shaped flask take off -
(Part Code - AB/S14- Adaptor, Bent, Socket 14/23 - $22.00)
Links the pear shaped flask (FP50/2S14) to the manometer, whether a vacuum or pressure is being applied, via the latex tubing (TL/300).
Tubing, Latex, 300 mm -
(Part Code - TL/300 - $5)
Latex tubing providing flexibility between the vacuum pump and the pear shaped flask arrangement.
GMSO2 - Glassware, modified, sulphur dioxide - components ( Fig 6)
Air bleed tube - Air bleed tube -
(Part Code. - TA/C14 - Tube, Air bleed, Cone 14/23, 10mm hose connection - $22.00)
Aspirates by drawing or blowing air through the juice or wine sample to liberate the SO2 into the air space above the sample and carries it to the pear shape flask. The height can be adjusted by twisting the tube in the joint.
Flat bottom, two (2) necked flask -
(Part Code. - FFB100/S24/S14 - Flask, Flat Bottom, 100ml, centre Socket
24/29, side Socket 14/23 - $42)
Holds the wine or juice sample to be analysed for SO2. Having a flat bottom allows it to be placed on the bench, with the bubbler removed, without falling over.
Having an extra side port allows the bubbler to be incorporated into the flask, doing away with the Swan Neck Adaptor (ASW/S24/ST13) and saving on space and cost.
Clip -
(Part Code. CLP/S24/SS - Clip, Stainless Steel 24/29 size - $14.00)
(Part Code. CLP/S24/PL - Clip, PLastic, 24/29 size - $11.00)
Only one clip only is required to hold the two (2) necked flask (FFB100/S24/S14) and condenser (CIR/S24) together.
Stainless steel clips are longer lasting with a reduced risk of heat damage.
Condenser -
(Part Code - CIR/S24 - Condenser, Internal Revenue, Socket & cone 24/29 - $202.00)
The use of an Internal Revenue (IR) condenser as opposed to a Liebig condenser (CL/S24 - fig 7) is highly recommended. The efficiency of this condenser reduces the risk of acetic acid distilling across during the analysis of bound or total sulphur dioxide. (see FSO2 & BSO2 determination)
Adaptor from Condenser -
(Part Code - AB/45/C24 - Adaptor, Bent (45°), Cone 24/29 - $28.00)
Links the condenser (CIR/S24), via the flexible latex tubing (TL/30), to the pear shaped flask adaptor (AB/MS13). The tube being bend down allows the pear shaped flask () to be secured at a convenient working level and providing room for the manometer () and flow meter ()to be fitted. (see fig. 5)
Tubing, Latex, 500 mm -
(Part Code - TL/500- Tubing, Latex, 500mm length - $8.00)
Latex tubing providing flexibility between the condenser arrangement and the pear shaped flask arrangement
Adaptor to Pear shaped flask bubbler (modified) -
(Part Code - AB/MS13- Adaptor, Bent, Male Spherical 'O' ring ball joint S13 - $37.00)
Links to the latex tubing (TL/30), to the pear shaped flask bubbler (ABU/S14/FS13).
The use of 'O' ring ball joints provides a more reliable seal.
Ball Joint Clamp -
(Part Code - CLAMP/13 - ball joint CLAMP, size 13 - $25.00)
Ball joint clamp to hold together ball joints on pear shaped flask bubbler adaptor (AB/MS13) and bubble adaptor (ABU/C14/FS13).
Adaptor, Bubbler -
(Part Code - ABU/C14/FS13- Adaptor, BUbbler, Cone 14/23, Female Spherical ball joint S13 - $38.00)
Links the adaptor (AB/MS13), to the pear shaped flask (FP50/2S14) and introduces and distributes the aspirated SO2 to the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) held in the pear shaped flask.
Flask, Pear shaped - (modified)
(Part Code - FP50/2S14/F- Flask, Pear shaped, 50ml, 2 necked, Sockets 14/23, w/Flat base - $44.00)
Holds the hydrogen peroxide and is where the SO2 is introduced via the bubbler (ABU/C14/FS13) and reacts with the hydrogen peroxide to produce sulphuric acid (H3SO4). The flask is fitted with a wine glass style flat base, to allow the flask to stand on the bench.
The volume of 10 ml of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) solution is chosen to ensure an adequate quantity and is therefore an approximate volume. This has allowed us to provide a 10 ml fill or graduation mark on the flask, which can be used to measure the H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) soln..
Adaptor, Pear shaped flask take off -
(Part Code - AB/S14- Adaptor, Bent, Socket 14/23 - $22.00)
Links the pear shaped flask (FP50/2S14/F) to the manometer, whether a vacuum or pressure is being applied, via the latex tubing (TL/300).
Tubing, Latex, 300 mm
(Part Code - TL/300- Tubing, Latex, 300 mm length - $5.00)
Latex tubing providing flexibility between the water manometer ()and the pear shaped flask arrangement.
Kit Code ( Fig 4 & Fig 5) - AASO2 - Additional Apparatus, sulphur dioxide - components
Part Codes
FM/100 - Flow Meter, 100 ml- $33.00
(incl., TL/300 )
MW/100 - Manometer, Water, 100 ml - $33.00
(incl., TL/700 )
PIP/25 - PIPette, 25 ml - $25.00
PIP/20 - PIPette, 20 ml - $22.00
PIP/10 - PIPette, 10 ml - $12.00
PIP/FILL - PIPette FILLer - $26
KIPPS/10 - KIPPS, 10 ml - $58.00
FC250/S24 - Flask, Conical, 250 ml, Socket 24/29 - $29.00
FC/100 - Flask Conical, 100ml - $7.00
BUR/25 - BURette, 25 ml - $75.00
BUR/50 - BURette, 50 ml - $80.00
BUR/AUT - BURette AUTomatic, 50 ml -
On Application
FV/100 - Flask Volumetric, 'B' grade - $22.00
- Measuring Cylinder, 100 ml, - $15.00
B/100 - Beaker, 100 ml, - $7.00
SLT - Soda Lime Tube - $22.00
ED - Eye dropper -$1.00 *2 - $2.00
Kit Code - HSO2 (see, Fig 5 or Fig 6) - Hardware, sulphur dioxide - components -
Part Codes
RSL - Retort Stand Large - $29.00
RSLC - Retort Stand Large - with manometer and flow meter clips -
(Optional) $50.00
BH - Boss Head - $10.00 * 2 - $20.00
RC - Retort Clamp - $15.00 * 2 - $30.00
RC Bunsen Burner (Nat. or LPG) - $35.00
AP - Air Pump with vacuum take off - $125.00
Kit Code - SPSO2 - Solution Pack, sulphur dioxide - components -
SPA/25 - Solution, Phosphoric Acid, 25% v/v., 500ml - $30.00
SHP/30 - Solution, Hydrogen Peroxide, 30% v/v, 500 ml - $45.00
SMI - Solution, Mixed Indicator, 100 ml - $15.00
25% v/v Orthophosphoric Acid (H3PO4) solution
(Part Code - SPO/25 - Solution, Phosphoric Acid, 25% v/v,500 ml - $30.00)
Quantity - 500 ml
Accuracy - not critical
Use - Acidification (reducing pH) of juice/wine sample to convert FSO2 (free sulphur dioxide) to the molecular form of SO2.
Self Preparation
30% w/v Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) solution
(Part Code - SHP/30 - Solution, Hydrogen Peroxide, 30% v/v, 500 ml - $45.00)
Quantity - 500 ml
Accuracy - not critical
Use - to trap and react with the aspirated gaseous/molecular SO2 contained in the Pear Shaped Flask ( FP50/2S14) forming sulphuric acid (H2SO4 - see Equation 3)
Self Preparation
Mixed Indicator - Methyl Red-Methyl Blue Indicator
(Part Code - SMI - Solution, Mixed Indicator, 100 ml - $15.00)
Quantity - 50 ml
Accuracy - not critical
Use - as an end point indicator for the sulphuric acid/sodium hydroxide titration.
Self Preparation
25% v/v Orthophosphoric acid
- There are a number of forms of phosphoric acid with the most common being Orthophosphoric acid (H3PO4)
- 10 ml of 25% volume/volume orthophosphoric acid solution (25% v/v ) is added to acidify the juice or wine sample to a pH low enough to convert all forms of FSO2 (free sulphur dioxide) to the molecular form.
This allows the FSO2, or/and BSO2( bound SO2) when converted to FSO2 on boiling, to be aspirated and swept through to the pear shaped flask.
- This acid is chosen as it the least harmful acid for the job.
- Note that the 25% v/v of need only be approximate.
- 25% v/v H3PO4 (orthophosphoric acid) solution can be prepared from 280ml of concentrated orthophosphoric acid (AR grade, 90%. Concentrated) and 1 L of distilled or deionised water.
30% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) solution
- Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidising agent.
- H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) reacts with SO2 (sulphur dioxide) to form sulphuric acid (H2SO4).
- Both the 10 ml volume and 0.3 % hydrogen peroxide concentration ([H2O2]) is calculated to ensures an excess for the above reaction and therefore only needs to be approximate.
- Chemists often carry stocks of H2O2 at stronger concentrations then 0.3% strength, that can be diluted to the approximate desired strength.
AASO2 - Additional Apparatus, sulphur dioxide - components
Flow meter - (see, Fig 5 or Fig 6)
(Part Code - FM/100 - Flow Meter, 100 ml - $30)
(incl., TL/300 -Tubing, Latex, 300mm)
Aspiration of the sample requires a flow rate of 1 L/min. this flow rate can be established within the accuracy required by the use of a soap bubble flow meter ( FM/100). ( see flow meter instructions)
Manometer - (see Fig 4, Fig 5 or Fig 6)
(Part Code -MW/100 - Manometer, Water, 100 ml - $30)
(incl, TL/700 -Tubing, Latex, 700mm)
The water manometer (MW/100) can be calibrated using the soap bubble flow meter (FM/100) for the apparatus to be used ( see manometer calibration).
Note: Each individual set of apparatus has its own unique flow dynamics and resistance. Therefore each system needs to be calibrated individually.
Pipette, 20 or 25 ml
(Part Code - PIP/25 - PIPette, 25 ml - $20.00)
(Part Code - PIP/20 - PIPette, 20 ml - $14.00)
Either a 20ml or 25 ml is used to introduce an accurately measured sample to the round bottom flask (FS100/S24). Then use 20 ml or 25 ml in the final calculations.
Pipette Filler
(Part Code - PIP/FILL - PIPette FILLer - $35.00)
A pipette filler/dispenser is used to safely fill a pipette, adjust the volume level to the calibration mark and dipense the volume accurately.
Pipette, 10 ml or Kipps measure, 10 ml (see diag.)-
(Part Code - PIP/10 - PIPette, 10 ml - $12.000)
(Part Code - KIPPS/10 - KIPPS, 10 ml - $58.00)
(Part Code - FC250/S24 - Flask , Conical, 250 ml, Socket 24/29 - $29.00)
Either a 10ml pipette (PIP/10) or 10 ml Kipps measure (KIPPS/10) can be used to introduce an approximate quantity of orthophosphoric acid (H3PO4) to the sample.
The use of a 250 ml conical flask to hold the H3PO4 (orthophosphoric acid) and fitted with a 10 ml Kipps measure is recommended. It allows an approximately 10 ml volume of H3PO4 to be delivered safely, conveniently, rapidly, and repetitively to samples being analysed.
This is especially usefull if a large number of samples need to be analysed.
Flask Volumetric, 100 ml
(Part Code - FV/100 - Flask Volumetric, 100 ml, 'A' grade - $22.00
The 100ml volumetric flask is used for accurate dilutions, such as diluting a 0.1 M NaOH solution to 0.01 M NaOH soln.
Measuring cylinder, 100 ml
(Part Code - MC/100 - Measuring Cylinder, 100 ml, - $15
The 100ml measuring cylinder is used to measure approximate volumes or approximate dilutions, such as the preparation of 25% orthophosphoric acid (H3PO4) solution.
Flask Conical, 100ml
(Part Code - FC/100 - Flask Conical, 100 ml, - $9.00
The 100 ml conical flask is a convenient flask as its contents is able to be contained while mixing with a swirling motion. Other flasks of various volumes are also available range of volumes.
Burette, 25 ml or 50 ml - (
see diagram)
(Part Code - BUR/25 - BURette, 25 ml - $75.00
(Part Code - BUR/50 - BURette, 50 ml - $80.00)
Either a 25ml burette (BUR/25) or 50 ml burette can be used to accurately deliver solutions to an accuracy of 0.05 ml. It is used in all titration procedures.
A 50 ml burette is more useful if a greater volume than 25 ml is required, which saves time on having to refill the burette during a titration. It also allows a greater number of titrations per refill.
This is especially usefull if a large number of samples need to be analysed.
Automatic Burette (
see diagram)
(Part Code - BUR/AUT - BURette AUTomatic, 50 ml -
$on application)
To prevent loss of strength of NaOH (sodium hydroxide) solutions it requires isolation form carbon dioxide (CO
2) contained in the air.
An automatic burette as illustrated in the
diagram, coupled with the use of
soda lime tubes, will prevent contact with CO
2 (carbon dioxide) and prevent loss of NaOH strength.
Beaker, 100ml
(Part Code - B/100 - Beaker, 100 ml, - $7.00
The 100ml beaker can be used to hold a working stock solution etc.
Make sure to always label and state the cpontents of the beaker to reduce errors of solution identification.
Soda Lime Tube
(Part Code - SLT - Soda Lime Tube - $22.00)
The Soda Lime Tubes are fitted to isolated sodium hydroxide (NaOH) deliver systems ( see diagram ).
Their role is to prevent any carbon dioxide (CO2), contained in the air around us, from coming into contact with the NaOH (sodium hydroxide) solution and reducing its strength .
Air enters the system to replace the dispensed NaOH. The soda lime, contained and held in position by cotton or glass wool, inside the soda lime tube (SLM), reacts with
and hence traps the CO2 (carbon dioxide).
Eye Dropper
(Part Code - ED - Eye Dropper - $1.00 * 2 $2.00
The eye droppers are used to adjust the colour of the hydrogen peroxide solution in the pear shaped flask using the 0.1 M sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric acid solutions, one drop at a time. Two required.
HSO2 - Hardware, sulphur dioxide - components
Retort Stand Large -
(Part Code - RSL - Retort Stand Large - $29.00
(Part Code - RSLC - Retort Stand Large, with manometer and flow meter clips - $35)
An especially large retort stand providing a stable base allows all sulphur dioxide analysis components to be mounted on the one stand.
RSLC has clips added to hold the flow meter (FM/100) and manometer (MW/100) required to set the correct flow rate.
Boss Head
(Part Code - BH - Boss Head - $10.00 * 2 - $20)
The boss heads are used to secure the retort clamps to the retort stand's upright. Two of these are required.
Retort Clamp
(Part Code - RC - Retort Clamp - $15.00 * 2 - $30.00)
The retort clamp is supported on to the retort stand shaft by the boss head. One of the clamps supports the condenser and the pear shaped flask as shown in the diagram.
Bunsen Burner
(Part Code - BB - Bunsen Burner for TSO2 determination (Either for natural gas or LPG) - $35.00)
Air Pump
(Part Code - AP - Air Pump with vacuum take off - $125.00)
The recommended air pump is one with a vacuum take off and connected as shown in the diagram.. If a non vacuum pump is used, connect as shown in the diagram..